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Role of the Governing Body

Leading the School
The Governing Board support, lead and grow the school. All our governors are volunteers and work closely with our head teacher, senior leaders, teachers and other members of staff to make our school a happy, friendly and successful place.  Feel free to navigate through the Governor section and find out who we are, what we do and how to contact us.

How do governors help children?
School governors are people who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education. Together with the headteacher, they set the future direction of the school and decide how the school’s budget should be spent. Governing boards make decisions collectively on matters such as school policies and the school’s development plan. The governing board challenges the school to ensure it achieves the best it can at all times.

What binds all of us, regardless of our Governor status or category, is the key question: "What is the best thing for the school and the children who attend it both now and in the future?" If you would like to meet the Chair of Governors, or any other Governor, for whatever reason, please contact us via the school office.

What is the Governing Board?
Governors are volunteers who spend several hours each month attending meetings and working to further the school’s development. There are several categories of Governor who provide a range of viewpoints:

  • Parent Governor - Elected by parents and carers of children at the school.
  • Community Governor - Appointed by the Governing Body to represent the wider community.
  • Staff Governor - Elected by the teaching and support staff at the school.
  • LA Governor - Appointed by the Local Authority.
  • Community Council Governor - Appointed by the Local Community Council of Llangan or Penllyn.

The Governors are supported by the Clerk to Governors who is employed by the school to clerk governing body meetings. The Clerk also provides advice to the Chair and the governing body during meetings.