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29.2.2024- Outdoor Learning Blog

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In Outdoor Learning, Reception discovered how seeds have grown, planted rosemary cuttings and some nasturtium seeds before starting to prep the potato bed by weeding. #llanganoutdoors

In Outdoor Learning, Reception discovered how seeds have grown, planted rosemary cuttings and some nasturtium seeds before starting to prep the potato bed by weeding.#llanganoutdoors

In outdoor learning, Year 6 finished preparing the potato bed and planted two rows of early potatoes. They then planted courgette seeds and pea seedlings inside the poly tunnel.#llanganoutdoors

In Outdoor Learning, the Plaza turned compost, and transplanted cauliflower seedlings. They also weeded the final outdoor raised bed. Finally, they had a vegetable quiz which led to some amazing discussions about what we should grow in Llangan. #outdoorlearning #llanganoutdoors