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Friday 8th March

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Another busy week has flown by here at Llangan Primary School, and I am delighted to share with you all the exciting events and activities that have taken place.

On Monday, our Year 5 and 6 students had the incredible opportunity to attend a concert at the Millennium Centre, hosted by the Welsh National Opera. Thanks to the generous grant provided by the Art Council Wales, the event was free for our students, and they were able to experience the magic of live orchestral music. The concert introduced them to the world of opera and classical music, as the WNO Orchestra performed a selection of popular favourites from opera, film, and TV.

Continuing with our focus on learning, on Tuesday, the children in Plaza (Years 3, 4, and 5) visited Cardiff Bay. Led by a representative from the Harbour Authority, the children participated in an engaging workshop that explored the history and development of the Bay. They also learnt important geography skills, such as using a compass and reading maps to navigate different locations.

In the afternoon, our students had the opportunity to visit Mount Stuart Primary School, where they interacted with the students there and learnt about life in Cardiff Bay. They were particularly inspired by the story of Betty Cambell, the first black headteacher in Wales, and the students at Mount Stuart shared their journey of raising funds to create a mural in her honour.


Thursday was a day of celebration as we marked World Book Day. The children arrived dressed as their favourite book characters, bringing the magic of literature to life. Our PTA organised a special fundraiser, where the children had the chance to purchase "Willy Wonka Chocolate Bars" inspired by Roald Dahl's famous story. Within five of these bars, golden tickets were hidden, granting lucky winners a special prize. This event, named Wonderlicious, raised an impressive £233.13 towards our playground renovation appeal.

The PTA continued their fantastic work on Friday with the Mothers' Day stall. Our students had the opportunity to purchase gifts for their mums, showing their love and appreciation. This well-organised event raised an outstanding £341.50, highlighting the dedication and commitment of our PTA volunteers.

Speaking of fundraising, we are thrilled to announce that we are getting closer to our target for improving our school playground. With the funds raised, we plan to introduce new markings, games, characters, and learning resources to enhance our children's playtime and outdoor learning experiences. The installation is scheduled for the week beginning March 18th.

In other news, the renovation of the old building is almost complete, and our Year 6 students happily moved back in on Friday. With this development, school dinners will return to their normal schedule next week.

I invite you and your family to join us in a running challenge this March. On April 21st, I will be running 25.2 miles in the London Marathon to raise funds for the NSPCC. To show your support and get involved, we have introduced the Smarty Pants running challenge. Every time you complete a running challenge, simply put a 20p or £1 coin in your Smarties tube, which was sent home with your child on Monday. Let's see if we can fill the tubes and make a difference together!

For more updates and to share your runs, don't forget to follow us on Twitter or Instagram and tag us using @llangan_primary_school #SMARTYPANTSRUN. *** See the news section of the newsletter, school app and website for more information.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community.

Warm regards,

Mr James Griffiths