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Friday 26th January

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I trust this message finds you well. Here's a recap of the events and important information from this week at Llangan School.

1. Song Writing Workshop: On Monday, the Song Writing Doctor returned to Llangan to lead music workshops with the children in the Plaza (Years 3/4 and 4/5). The children collaborated on two new songs—one focusing on our school values and the other on the rights of the child. We are excited to share these creations with the school community in the coming weeks.

2. Santes Dwynwen Party: Thursday brought a delightful Santes Dwynwen Party after school, which raised an impressive £335.96 for the TPA funds. The children enjoyed party games, dancing competitions, and crafts with a love theme. A heartfelt thank you goes out to the PTs for their dedication in organising yet another fantastic event.

3. Parent Forum Meeting: On Thursday, our Parent Forum met to discuss various concerns and collaborate on solutions that benefit our entire community. The Parent Forum is a platform where all parents can voice their opinions on educational matters, working collectively for the betterment of our school. We greatly appreciate the active involvement of our parents in shaping the school environment.

4. Updates from the Parent Forum Meeting:

  • PE Kit: Children are now allowed to wear their PE kit to school on the day of their PE lessons. We encourage the use of an appropriate PE kit along with the school jumper to ensure warmth during colder weather. An email will be sen ton Monday confirming this.
  • Snack Time: Mid-morning snacks will now be consumed in the classroom, promoting safety and reducing the risk of choking. We kindly request that children bring only fruits or vegetables and have water, not squash.
  • Lost Property: To avoid misplaced items, please ensure that all personal belongings are labelled. We will display a collection of lost items during parents' evening for retrieval.

5. Parents' Evening: Appointments for parents' evening on Tuesday, 6th, or Thursday, 8th February, were emailed to you this week. We encourage students to join their parents for these meetings, where teachers will discuss recent assessments, set targets, and provide general progress updates. If you have any concerns, please contact us, and we will be happy to assist.

6. Parent Evening Booking System: We appreciate your use of our new Parent Portal for booking appointments. If you encounter any issues, please call the school office for assistance, as we work to resolve any technical difficulties.

7. Assessment Week: Next week, students will undergo assessments in reading, maths, and spelling using our internal testing systems. Progress updates will be shared during parents' evening meetings.

8. NSPCC Visit and World Number Day: Representatives from the NSPCC will visit on Thursday, 1st February, to discuss children's safety and launch an exciting mission. The school will also celebrate World Number Day on Friday, 2nd February, organised by the NSPCC.

9. Parent Help Out Day: On Thursday, 1st February, Mrs. Stevens is organising a help-out day in the school allotment, garden, and arboretum. We are grateful to the parents and family members who have committed their time. If you can help, please email the school.

Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in the Llangan School community. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out.

Warm regards,