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Friday 22nd September 2023

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Dear parents and guardians,

Welcome to another edition of our weekly newsletter from Llangan School. This week, we have been busy preparing for our upcoming harvest celebrations. Our students have been learning about the importance of the harvest season and have been working hard on writing, learning, and practising harvest poems and songs. They are eagerly looking forward to performing these wonderful pieces for you and our extended family next Thursday, the 28th of September.

As part of our Harvest Festival, we are kindly asking our families to donate food items that we will be gifting to the Vale of Glamorgan Food Bank. To help us understand the significance of these donations, we had a special assembly this week when Mrs. Thomas, a representative from the Food Bank, spoke to us about why these donations are so important and what we can offer. We are collecting any packaged non-perishable food items or essential non-food items such as toiletries and hygiene products. A list of suggested items can be found on our school website, along with more information about the Vale Foodbank. Mrs. Thomas will be joining us at our Harvest Festival to collect our donations and deliver them to the Llantwit Major Food Bank. Additionally, our School Council will be visiting the Food Bank to see first-hand how it operates and to help with organising the donations.

Home-School Communication

At Llangan, we strongly believe that a successful education for your child is built upon an effective partnership between home and school. In response to the feedback we received from our recent parental survey, we are continuing to work to streamline all home-school communication systems. Our aim is to ensure that messages are not lost and that everyone in our community understands the best way to communicate with the school. We also want to ensure that any important messages or enquiries from your homes are dealt with promptly and effectively.

In line with these efforts, we are excited to announce the launch of our new school website and app. The website is still under construction, but we invite you to have a look at Our weekly newsletter will always be available on this website, along with other important information about the school. We understand that some parents are encountering problems with the app, and we are working with the company to fix these issues. 

Before we conclude, we would like to remind everyone about our school car park rules. These rules are in place to ensure the safety of our children, families, and visitors at all times. The school car park can pose a serious risk, but with the cooperation and understanding of our entire school community, we can safeguard everyone from the risk of accidents. We kindly ask that those using our car park follow these rules:

  • The speed limit when driving in the car park is 5 miles per hour.
  • Please reverse into parking spaces, as this makes it safer for you when leaving your space.
  • We kindly request that you do not park in the lane/verge leading to the car park, as this causes a queue of traffic that in turn blocks the main road.
  • Children and visitors must walk along the path behind the chain fence.
  • Children must be accompanied from the car to the gate in the mornings and from the gate to the car by responsible adults. They should not be allowed to run across the car park to the gate unaccompanied.

Thank you for your continued cooperation in following these car park rules and helping us maintain a safe environment for everyone.

That's all for this week's newsletter. We hope you have a wonderful weekend, and we look forward to seeing you at our Harvest Festival and Macmillan Coffee Morning next Thursday.

Best regards,

Mr Griffiths