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Friday 1st December

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Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this newsletter finds you well and in good spirits. It has been another eventful week here at Llangan Primary School, filled with exciting activities and valuable learning experiences for our students.

Firstly, I would like to congratulate our football team on their recent visit to Y Bontfaen Primary school for a friendly football tournament. Our school took two teams, and it was wonderful to see our children showcasing their skills and sportsmanship. They truly represented Llangan Primary School with pride, and I am incredibly proud of their efforts.

In keeping with our commitment to providing a well-rounded education, we had the pleasure of hosting Marion from Penllyn WI on Monday. Marion shared her memories of going to school in World War 2 with our Year 6 students. It was truly fascinating to hear a first-hand account of life in Wales during the 1940s. Our students gained a deeper understanding of history and the resilience of those who lived through challenging times.

On Thursday, Miss Llewellyn led another informative parent workshop, focusing on the phonics scheme Read Write Inc and our spelling scheme Spelling Shed. Miss Llewellyn shared valuable insights into how we teach these schemes to promote literacy and provided parents with practical tips to support their children's learning at home. For those who were unable to attend, the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting can be accessed on our school website under the parent workshop section.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the parents who attended this term's jump out day on Thursday. It was heartwarming to see so many parents engaging with their children's learning and celebrating their achievements. These events not only showcase our students' progress but also instil in them a sense of pride and purpose. Your support is invaluable, and I thank you for being a part of our school community.

Despite the cold weather this week, Miss Stevens continued to lead outdoor learning sessions with various groups of learners. Our Year 1 and 2 students had the opportunity to explore the trees in our school arboretum, using magnifying glasses to identify different trees by examining their bark and leaves. Meanwhile, our Year 6 pupils were busy planting winter onions, preparing the soil, and measuring out the distances. Additionally, students in Years 3, 4, and 5 made fat balls to feed the birds during this cold weather. I commend all the children for their hard work and dedication, especially under such challenging conditions.

Looking ahead to next week, I am pleased to announce that our children will be participating in anti-bullying workshops run by the charity Bullies Out. These workshops will provide valuable tools and strategies for our students to combat bullying and promote a safe and inclusive environment. In addition, the Music Doctor will be running workshops on using GarageBand to produce digital music. This promises to be an exciting opportunity for our students to explore their creativity and musical talents.

Finally, I would like to remind you about the PTA Festive Movie night, which will take place after school on Thursday, 7th December. This event is open to all children and promises to be a fun-filled evening. Please refer to the advertisements in the news section of this newsletter for more details.

On a different note, we have a Rags 2 Riches collection scheduled for Monday. Please ensure that all bags of clothes are dropped off at school by Monday morning. If you have extra items, please feel free to use your own bags, such as refuse or shopping bags.

Thank you once again for your continued support. It is through our collective efforts that we can provide the best possible education and opportunities for our children.

With warm regards,

James Michael Griffiths Headteacher